In May 2015 Pathfinder Relocation Services was successful in their independent externally audited EuRA Global Quality Seal re-certification.
Since 2009 Pathfinder Relocation Services Sdn. Bhd. (PRS) has been on a journey of building business excellence through the implementation, updating, and certification of the EuRA Global Quality Seal (EGQS). The EGQS is a quality management system for companies in the relocation sector that is based on ISO9001.
Each year updates have been introduced and every two years PRS has been subject to an independent external audit. Originally certified in 2009, PRS has been re-certified, with no non-conformances reported, in 2011, 2013, and most recently in May 2015.
Asked about the Audit process and the impact of the EGQS, business owner and General Manager Triona Chelliah commented:
“The implementation of a management system has, from the inside, improved our processes and I can clearly get a handle on where the business is going. Our annual management review process provides me with an opportunity to evaluate company performance and plan for the coming year.”
Triona further commented: “Although our internal improvements are important, the value of an audited management system is that PRS can give certainty of excellent service to our existing and future clients. Being certified to the EGQS gives a clear differentiation from other companies in the marketplace. I am still surprised that PRS is still the only relocation company in Southeast Asia that has the EGQS certification as it has benefited my company greatly”
PRS was independently audited by DQS Certification (M) Sdn. Bhd. and the Auditor Mr. ES Lau had the following to say:
“Having personally conducted 3 cycles of EuRA Global Quality Seal (EGQS) audits at Pathfinder Relocation Services (PRS), with the most recent one on the 19th of May 2015 the management system had been through positive evolution.”
“It is encouraging to see the ISO 19011 Standard (Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems) was reviewed and adopted into the management system of PRS covering internal as well as potential external audits of suppliers. This in itself is a proactive approach from PRS having seen many ISO 9001 certified companies that do not even know about the existence of the ISO 19011 Standard although it is quoted in the ISO 9001 Standard.”
Triona paid tribute to her staff, many of whom are new to the relocation business:
“Without dedicated staff, any business will face challenges and I am fortunate to have staff who embrace the management system and see it as a positive support in their daily work as it provides them structure and processes within which to provide excellent service to our clients and their assignees.”