Giving birth – there is quite nothing as beautiful or spectacular as the act of delivering something so precious and gentle. Babies are truly good and perfect gifts which we must cherish. Saying this, I’m sure that you wish for your childbirth experience to be as smooth as possible, so let us clear the clutter and provide useful information about what to expect in Malaysia.

Standards of hospitals in Malaysia, especially for expecting mothers are reasonably high (especially in Kuala Lumpur). Private hospitals and medical centres are usually staffed with well-trained doctors and nurses, and you will have no problems with communication as English is well understood and spoken.

Hospital equipment is modern and the rooms available can rival the best hotels!

Please take note to check with your employer on what kinds of medical insurance is available for you or your spouse as different plans offers you different options in the medical centre.

It is important to note the doctor who will be attending you as in the case of an emergency, the staff at the hospital will be able to locate the doctor right away.

As stated, there are many good private hospitals and medical centres in the Klang Valley, a few of the more notable ones are below:

  • Assunta Hospital
  • Columbia Asia Hospital
  • Gleneagles Hospital
  • KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital
  • KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
  • Mahkota Medical Centre
  • Miri City Medical Centre
  • Pantai Hospitals
  • Prince Court Medical Centre
  • Sime Darby Healthcare
  • Timberland Medical Centre
  • Tung Shin Hospital
  • UM Specialist Centre

Birth registration must be done within 14 days after delivery. This must be done at the Malaysian National Registration Department (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara – JPN). After this has been done, you would need to register the baby at your relevant embassy and a passport be done. Do note that a child born to non-Malaysian parents is not granted automatic Malaysian citizenship (Malaysian does not accept dual-citizenship).

For more information, the below websites should assist you further:

Written by: Jeremy, Relocation Consultant at Pathfinder Relocation Services